“Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.” – George Dei
On-Island Resources:
- Sensory Equipment Lending Library
- Equipment is available to be used for sensory integration experiences that encourage meaningful body movements that stimulate all the mind/body sensory systems. Anyone can access the equipment: individuals, families, school personnel, day care providers etc. The library is a community resource funded by the Tower Foundation.
- To access the equipment, contact Angela Knapp at aknapp@mvcommunityservices.org or (508) 693-7900 x249 for an appointment.
- Island Disability Coalition
- Island Autism Group
- Vineyard Independence Partnership
- Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools
- Co-Directors of Student Support Services:
- Nancy Dugan ndugan@mvps.org
- Hope MacLeod hmacleod@mvps.org
- Co-Directors of Student Support Services:
- Camp Jabberwocky
- FirstStopMV
Off-Island Resources:
- Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change (MFOC)
- Nantucket Public Schools
- Director of Special Services and Civil Rights Coordinator
- Michele Brady, bradym@nps.k12.ma.us
- Director of Special Services and Civil Rights Coordinator
- The Home Page for the Arc of Massachusetts
- Institute for Community Inclusion
- Inclusion Press
- Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities at RI College- Resource Library