Our Capital Campaign: The Space to THRIVE

As the anchor agency of the Island across all six towns, Martha’s Vineyard Community Services offers a steady heartbeat of comprehensive support from birth to advanced age. In this work, the right space matters. We proudly culminated the completion of the first phase of our Space to THRIVE Capital Campaign with the opening of the Paul & Sandra Pimentel Early Childhood Center.

We now turn our attention to our main campus. Built in the mid-1980s, our aging buildings are outmoded, flood-prone, and overcrowded. Our core facilities lack elevators, automatic doors, and wheelchair accessibility. Indoors, we lack modern ventilation and energy efficiency. Our walls are thin and insufficient for privacy. Outside, a confusing maze of buildings and uneven pathways provides a challenging entranceway for clients of all ages and abilities.

It is time to build for the future of community health and wellbeing.

Community Service Center

Our proposed new Main Community Service Center will use best-practice design for comprehensive, behavioral health services. Our new facilities will house our Community Behavioral Health Center, dually licensed and nationally accredited outpatient mental health and substance abuse clinic, “open access” and other same-day behavioral health services, disability services, Veterans services, elder services and supplemental domestic and sexual violence services—all on campus.

Envision with us…

  • Universally accessible space that welcomes every client arriving on campus.
  • Private space that inspires safety, dignity, and confidentiality for every individual and family.
  • Meeting space that fosters collaboration among service providers and community partners.
  • State-of-art space that allows for hybrid staffing and telehealth-compatible infrastructure.
  • Environmentally efficient space that offers durability for generations to come.

Envision with us a Space to THRIVE…a campus brilliantly designed to meet the evolving needs of our year-round and seasonal island community.

Our first campaign milestones have been met. The initial designs, specs, and budget are approved. One hundred percent (100%) of our Board members have together contributed the first $1 million cornerstone gift to this transformative capital drive—magnified by the generosity of contributing Island families. With recent record gifts of $2 million by Jim & Susan Swartz and $3 million by Jacqui Morby & Family, we enter autumn 2024 with $11.5 million in commitments toward our campaign goal of $17.5 million.

Looking ahead, MVCS will be “shovel-ready” to break ground in early spring 2025 once we garner the next $1 million in support to achieve our $12.5 million target by December 2024.  To join this effort, please contact Campaign Officer Sandy Sedacca, ssedacca@mvcommunityservices.org, (617)583-3848. Thank you!!

Learn more 

Visit our campus in-person to learn more about our current situation and future plans. 


Sandy Sedacca, Capital Campaign and Major Gifts Officer


When each of us is fully all that we can be, our community thrives.